
04 May 2014

You Are Not Always Right

*pict from Google

Dalam hidup neh we will always deal with many types of people
Macam2 perangai, pelbagai karenah...
Tp dalam banyak2 tu, I paling pantang dengan orang yang always rasa dier tu betul semuanya....
I rasa orang macam tu ada masalah keegoan....orang macam tu x boleh accept the fact that someone else knows better than dia or maybe dier nk sorok hakikat yang dier sebenarnya x tahu hohoho~
Does getting wronged hurt your ego???
Penat tau nk layan org macam ni....

If sekali sekala...then it's fine la kan...tapi if setiap kali pun you aje nk betul.......mmg x boleh blah la kan
I boleh accept the fact that I'm not always right, but when I am, I make sure that everyone knows you were wrong

You have to accept the fact that you're not always right owk! 
You have to let go of this ego-driven need to be right. 
You are just making people around you feel sick about it & it's very uncomfortable and at the same time annoying...heol....
And also let go of the the need to be the best in everything you do, because the truth is...there will always be someone who is better, faster, stronger or even smarter than you are.
Is it so hard for you???

Sometimes, even though I know that I'm on the right side..I decided to keep quiet and do my own thing rather than wasting my time arguing with those yang ada masalah like that
Why?? Because I akan rasa sakit hati, moody...and all those -ve feelings which I don't really like
There's even a time when I just asking for apologize because for me apologizing does not always mean that you are wrong and the other person is right. It just mean that I value our relationship more than my ego
Yes, I jg ada my own fact semua orang ada ego masing2...but you have to put in on the right place and time..which is sometimes I failed.....
I guess being honest may not give you a lot of friends, but it will always get you the right ones~

"Do not always prove yourself to be the one in the right. The right will appear. You need only give it a chance " - C H Fowler


Shiela Rahim said...


rieyzajunkisshi said... shiela..
I'm not always right also, but I think I've voice it out in the right way...

Shiela Rahim said...

hehe..i rather avoid those people yg dia rasa dia sja yg btul..senyumm..x perlu kat apa2..angkat kaki hehe

rieyzajunkisshi said...

yup, that's right pn shieluna!
now I bolayan je org mcm tu, biar dier sakit ati sendiri kot...
if x sedar diri jgk....xtau la~
aku sudah tidak percaya padamu lagi...lebih baik aku segera angkat kaki..aku benci..benci...pada diri...nya hoho